Kitchen is a room. The description is "You stand in the kitchen. It has a sink. You can go north to your backyard." The sink is scenery in the kitchen. The description is "Stainless steel." A lemon is in the kitchen. The description is "It's yellow and probably very sour." A plum is in the kitchen. It is edible. The description is "It's purple and looks sweet and cold." An apple is in the kitchen. It is edible. The description is "It's red and looks delicious." Backyard is north from Kitchen. Instead of dropping the apple: if the player carries the apple: if the player is in Backyard: say "You throw the apple with such force that it leaves the known universe."; now the apple is nowhere; if the player is in Kitchen: say "You throw the apple with such force that it leaves your house."; now the apple is in Backyard; otherwise: say "You're not carrying the apple."