Hello, (print: $name). You are walking through a forest. You see some hats. Which hat would you like to wear? [[Newspaper hat|Paper hat]] [[Baseball cap]] [[Viking helmet]](set: $name to (prompt: "What is your name?")) <!-- (if: $name is "")[(set: $name to "Henrietta")] --> (set: $hasfeather to false) (set: $hasbook to false) (set: $hasball to false) (set: $money to (random: 1,4)) (set: $balance to 12) (set: $isWet to false) (goto: "First passage")(set: $hat to "paper hat") You choose the (print: $hat). (display: "Item choice")(set: $hat to "baseball cap") You choose the (print: $hat). (display: "Item choice")(set: $hat to "Viking helmet") You choose the (print: $hat). (display: "Item choice")As you walk further on, you see three items. Which would you like to carry? [A feather]<feather| [*The Norton Anthology of American Literature*]<book| [A bowling ball]<ball| (click: ?feather)[(set: $hasfeather to true)(goto: "Money choice")] (click: ?book)[(set: $hasbook to true)(goto: "Money choice")] (click: ?ball)[(set: $hasball to true)(goto: "Money choice")](if: (count: (history:), "Money choice") is 0)[You encounter an ATM. There sure are weird things in this forest.] You are currently carrying $(print: $money). How much would you like to withdraw from the ATM? [[See account balance]] [$1]<one| [$3]<three| [$10]<ten| [[Done with ATM]] (click: ?one)[(set: $moneyAdded to 1)(goto: "Money added")] (click: ?three)[(set: $moneyAdded to 3)(goto: "Money added")] (click: ?ten)[(set: $moneyAdded to 10)(goto: "Money added")] You have $(print: $balance) in your account. (display: "Money choice")You come across an ogre who says, "(print: $name), I won't let you pass!" (if: $hasfeather is true)[[[Tickle it with the feather.|River]]] (elseif: $hasbook is true)[[[Bore it to sleep by reading poetry from your book.|River]]] (elseif: $hasball is true)[[[Drop the bowling ball on its foot.|River]]] (else:)[I guess you're stuck here.]You got past the ogre by (if: $hasfeather is true)[tickling it](elseif: $hasbook is true)[boring it to sleep](else:)[crushing its toe with a bowling ball]. You reach a river covered by very thin ice. You can only cross it if you have a very light hat and a very light object. [[I've lost weight since high school, I swear!|Cross]](if: $moneyAdded > $balance)[You don't have that much money in your account! (display: "Money choice")] (else:)[(set: $money to $money + $moneyAdded)(set: $balance to it - $moneyAdded)(goto: "Money choice")](if: $hat is "paper hat" and $hasfeather is true)[You gingerly glide across the ice, and soon reach the other side. [[Awesome!|Bowling]]] (else:)[(set: $isWet to true)You crash through the ice! It is a cold, dangerous, miserable swim to the other side. You could [[dry off|Dry]] or [[continue on|Bowling]].] You walk up to a bowling alley. It's in the middle of the forest and run by elves. You'd like to partake in some elvish bowling. The sign on the front door says "BYOB--Bring Your Own Ball." It also says the cost is $10 a game. (if: $isWet is true)[But you're soaking wet! You die of hypothermia and now you can't go bowling.] (elseif: $hasball is true and $money >= 10)[[[Let's bowl!]]] (elseif: $hasball is false and $money >= 11)[You don't have a ball, but maybe you could [[rent one.|Rent]]] (elseif: $hasball is false and $money <= 10)[You don't have a bowling ball or enough money. Maybe you could [[get an elvish job|Job]].] <!-- This is comment syntax. --> <!-- There is one case missing for moving the player onward. What is it? -->You quickly dry yourself off with a convenient nearby hairdryer. (set: $isWet to false) [[Onward!|Bowling]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.An elf suddenly informs you that you can only go bowling if you are wearing an unusual hat. (if: $hat is "paper hat" or $hat is "Viking helmet")[It's a good thing you're wearing your (print: $hat)! You bowl a (random: 43,272). That's the elves' favorite number. They have a giant party in your honor and you decide you will stay with them forever and rule their bowling alley.] (else:)[But you're just wearing a boring baseball cap. The elves hate conformity. They kill you.]