###(font: "Bevan")[The Legend] at Arnolds Park ---- (live: 2000ms)[A story about roller coasters and/or love.] (live: 4000ms)["[[The Wildest Woody in the Midwest->Begin]]"]{(set: $noun to (either: "a gong", "sheet metal", "crude scrimshaw")) (set: $heat to (either: "wilting even the trees","pounding nails into your head","rising in plumes off the pavement"))} One summer, you traveled to Arnolds Park, Iowa, with the person you might have loved, Lake Okoboji like $noun, the heat $heat. [[And then the thrilled screams ...]] { (set: $minutes to 40) (set: $roller to "no") (set: $music to "yes") (set: $people to "no") (set: $birds to "yes") (set: $passingevent to "") (set: $temp to 0) (set: $cl_list to (array: "detest", "dislike", "do not care for", "are indifferent to", "are rather fond of", "enjoy", "thoroughly enjoy")) (set: $cl_index to 1) (set: $music_list to (array: "distant", "garish", "no")) (set: $music_index to 1) (set: $people_list to (array: "hardly any", "just a few", "not many", "a lot of", "big crowds of", "maddening throngs of")) (set: $people_index to 1) (set: $bird_list to (array: "many cries from unseen", "sudden flocks of small", "the occasional songs of", "no noticeable" )) (set: $bird_index to 1) } You [(print: $cl_list's $cl_index)]<cl_link| rollercoasters. [(display: "cycleroller")]<cl_macro| There was [(print: $music_list's $music_index)]<music_link| music. [(display: "cyclemusic")]<music_macro| There were [(print: $people_list's $people_index)]<people_link| people. [(display: "cyclepeople")]<people_macro| There were [(print: $bird_list's $bird_index)]<bird_link| birds. [(display: "cyclebird")]<bird_macro| [(print: $passingevent)]<passing_macro| {(live: 8370ms)[ (set: $temp to (random: 1, 20)) (if: $temp is 1)[(set: $passingevent to "The wind blows a mini-golf scorecard along the sidewalk.")] (if: $temp is 2)[(set: $passingevent to "A young man with his hand in his girlfriend's back pocket.")] (if: $temp is 3)[(set: $passingevent to "Suddenly, the smell of funnel cake.")] (if: $temp is 4)[(set: $passingevent to "A clown, presumably off-duty, walks toward the parking lot.")] (if: $temp is 5)[(set: $passingevent to "A girl rushes by; her mother, chasing her, holds a green balloon.")] (if: $temp is 6)[(set: $passingevent to "Someone laughs from within the Hall of Mirrors.")] (if: $temp is 7)[(set: $passingevent to "A cloud temporarily obscures the sun.")] (if: $temp is 8)[(set: $passingevent to "A teenaged girl whose perfume smells like sugar.")] (if: $temp is 9)[ (if: $minutes > 1)[(set: $passingevent to "The *Queen II* is departing in $minutes minutes.")(set: $minutes to it - 10)] (else:)[(set: $passingevent to "The *Queen II* has left the dock.")] ] (if: $temp is 10)[(set: $passingevent to "A boy, frantic, in the direction of the bathroom.")] (if: $temp is 11)[(set: $passingevent to "A boy carries a stuffed tiger larger than he is.")] (if: $temp is 12)[(set: $passingevent to "An announcement for a lost child over the PA.")] (if: $temp is 13)[(set: $passingevent to "An old man smoking, nevermind what the signs say.")] (if: $temp is 14)[(set: $passingevent to "A pair of girls, braces and barrettes, whispering.")] (if: $temp is 15)[(set: $passingevent to "A teenaged boy holding a bag of cotton candy, alone.")] (if: $temp is 16)[(set: $passingevent to "The roller coaster? Or distant thunder?")] (if: $temp is 17)[(set: $passingevent to "Someone rings the Test Your Strength bell.")] (if: $temp is 18)[(set: $passingevent to "A crying boy who won't tell his father what's wrong.")] (if: $temp is 19)[(set: $passingevent to "Gasoline and exhaust wafts from the go-kart track.")] (if: $temp is 20)[(set: $passingevent to "A seagull shrieks, a french fry in its beak.")] (replace: ?passing_macro)[$passingevent] ]} And you are being urged [[onward]]... { (click: ?cl_link)[ (if: $cl_index is $cl_list's length)[(set: $cl_index to 1)] (else:)[(set: $cl_index += 1)] (if: $cl_index < 5)[(set: $roller to "no")] (if: $cl_index > 4)[(set: $roller to "yes")] (replace: ?cl_link)[(print: $cl_list's $cl_index)] (replace: ?cl_macro)[(display: "cycleroller")] ] }{ (click: ?music_link)[ (if: $music_index is $music_list's length)[(set: $music_index to 1)] (else:)[(set: $music_index += 1)] (if: $music_index < 3)[(set: $music to "yes")] (if: $music_index > 2)[(set: $music to "no")] (replace: ?music_link)[(print: $music_list's $music_index)] (replace: ?music_macro)[(display: "cyclemusic")] ] }{ (click: ?people_link)[ (if: $people_index is $people_list's length)[(set: $people_index to 1)] (else:)[(set: $people_index += 1)] (if: $people_index < 4)[(set: $people to "no")] (if: $people_index > 3)[(set: $people to "yes")] (replace: ?people_link)[(print: $people_list's $people_index)] (replace: ?people_macro)[(display: "cyclepeople")] ] }{ (click: ?bird_link)[ (if: $bird_index is $bird_list's length)[(set: $bird_index to 1)] (else:)[(set: $bird_index += 1)] (if: $bird_index < 3)[(set: $birds to "yes")] (if: $bird_index > 2)[(set: $birds to "no")] (replace: ?bird_link)[(print: $bird_list's $bird_index)] (replace: ?bird_macro)[(display: "cyclebird")] ] }{(if: $people is "yes")[There were too many people] (if: $people is "no")[There were not enough people] (set: $temp to (random: 1,3)) (if: $temp is 1)[(set: $platform to "where someone recently pierced a heart in ink.")] (if: $temp is 2)[(set: $platform to "where the trashcan oozed purple syrup.")] (if: $temp is 3)[(set: $platform to "under the blue awning.")]} along the whitewashed platform $platform {(if: $birds is "yes")[There were too many birds,] (if: $birds is "no")[There were not enough birds,]} {(if: $music is "yes" and $roller is "no")[and the tinny music played like nausea.] (if: $music is "no" and $roller is "no")[and the speakers hung like rusted bats.] (if: $music is "yes" and $roller is "yes")[but the calliope played a jaunty operetta.] (if: $music is "no" and $roller is "yes")[but the speakers hung like heralds.]} (live: 5000ms)[You climbed aboard, holding hands.] (live: 9000ms)[There was a chain, a chunk, a climb.] (live: 12000ms)[You closed your eyes] (live: 14000ms)[and dreamt you could [[control the roller coaster]].]{(if: $roller is "yes")[(set: $one to "riding a bronco!")(set: $two to "swooning in a spaceship!")(set: $three to "vacationing in a pinball machine!")(set: $four to "careening in a drunken toboggan!")(set: $five to "rollerskating with a dragon!") (set: $six to "swimming beneath a whale!")(set: $seven to "being buffeted in a luminous hot-air balloon!")(set: $eight to "swaying to a fever!")(set: $nine to "waltzing with steel!")(set: $ten to "jumping off the world's tallest swing set!")] (if: $roller is "no")[(set: $one to "you were about to hurl.")(set: $two to "you were going to throw up.")(set: $three to "you wanted to yak.")(set: $four to "bile in the back of your throat.")(set: $five to "you would lose your lunch.")(set: $six to "you might toss your cookies.")(set: $seven to "you needed a barf bag.")(set: $eight to "it was all you could do to not puke.")(set: $nine to "you could ralph.")(set: $ten to "you needed to paint the town green.")] (set: $verbone to "jerked")(set: $verbtwo to "flew")(set: $verbthree to "sailed")(set: $verbfour to "jolted")(set: $verbfive to "rocketed")(set: $verbsix to "slammed")(set: $verbseven to "swerved")(set: $verbeight to "veered")(set: $verbnine to "twisted")(set: $verbten to "accelerated") } [Left]<tag_left| [(display: "leftmacro")]<macro_left| [Right]<tag_right| [(display: "rightmacro")]<macro_right| [Up]<tag_up| [(display: "upmacro")]<macro_up| [Down]<tag_down| [(display: "downmacro")]<macro_down| []<result| [[Exit]]{(click: ?tag_left)[ (set: $result to "The car ") (set: $temp to (random: 1,10)) (if: $temp is 1)[(set: $verb to $verbone)] (if: $temp is 2)[(set: $verb to $verbtwo)] (if: $temp is 3)[(set: $verb to $verbthree)] (if: $temp is 4)[(set: $verb to $verbfour)] (if: $temp is 5)[(set: $verb to $verbfive)] (if: $temp is 6)[(set: $verb to $verbsix)] (if: $temp is 7)[(set: $verb to $verbseven)] (if: $temp is 8)[(set: $verb to $verbeight)] (if: $temp is 9)[(set: $verb to $verbnine)] (if: $temp is 10)[(set: $verb to $verbten)] (set: $result to $result + $verb + " left") (set: $temp to (random: 1,30)) (if: $temp < 11)[(set: $result to $result + " and it felt like ")] (if: $temp is 1)[(set: $reaction to $one)] (if: $temp is 2)[(set: $reaction to $two)] (if: $temp is 3)[(set: $reaction to $three)] (if: $temp is 4)[(set: $reaction to $four)] (if: $temp is 5)[(set: $reaction to $five)] (if: $temp is 6)[(set: $reaction to $six)] (if: $temp is 7)[(set: $reaction to $seven)] (if: $temp is 8)[(set: $reaction to $eight)] (if: $temp is 9)[(set: $reaction to $nine)] (if: $temp is 10)[(set: $reaction to $ten)] (if: $temp < 11)[(set: $result to $result + $reaction)] (if: $temp > 10 and $roller is "no")[(set: $result to $result + ".")] (if: $temp > 10 and $roller is "yes")[(set: $result to $result + "!")] (replace: ?result)[(print: $result)] (replace: ?macro_left)[(display: "leftmacro")] ] }{(click: ?tag_right)[ (set: $result to "The car ") (set: $temp to (random: 1,10)) (if: $temp is 1)[(set: $verb to $verbone)] (if: $temp is 2)[(set: $verb to $verbtwo)] (if: $temp is 3)[(set: $verb to $verbthree)] (if: $temp is 4)[(set: $verb to $verbfour)] (if: $temp is 5)[(set: $verb to $verbfive)] (if: $temp is 6)[(set: $verb to $verbsix)] (if: $temp is 7)[(set: $verb to $verbseven)] (if: $temp is 8)[(set: $verb to $verbeight)] (if: $temp is 9)[(set: $verb to $verbnine)] (if: $temp is 10)[(set: $verb to $verbten)] (set: $result to $result + $verb + " right") (set: $temp to (random: 1,30)) (if: $temp < 11)[(set: $result to $result + " and it felt like ")] (if: $temp is 1)[(set: $reaction to $one)] (if: $temp is 2)[(set: $reaction to $two)] (if: $temp is 3)[(set: $reaction to $three)] (if: $temp is 4)[(set: $reaction to $four)] (if: $temp is 5)[(set: $reaction to $five)] (if: $temp is 6)[(set: $reaction to $six)] (if: $temp is 7)[(set: $reaction to $seven)] (if: $temp is 8)[(set: $reaction to $eight)] (if: $temp is 9)[(set: $reaction to $nine)] (if: $temp is 10)[(set: $reaction to $ten)] (if: $temp < 11)[(set: $result to $result + $reaction)] (if: $temp > 10 and $roller is "no")[(set: $result to $result + ".")] (if: $temp > 10 and $roller is "yes")[(set: $result to $result + "!")] (replace: ?result)[(print: $result)] (replace: ?macro_right)[(display: "rightmacro")] ] }{(click: ?tag_up)[ (set: $result to "The car ") (set: $temp to (random: 1,10)) (if: $temp is 1)[(set: $verb to $verbone)] (if: $temp is 2)[(set: $verb to $verbtwo)] (if: $temp is 3)[(set: $verb to $verbthree)] (if: $temp is 4)[(set: $verb to $verbfour)] (if: $temp is 5)[(set: $verb to $verbfive)] (if: $temp is 6)[(set: $verb to $verbsix)] (if: $temp is 7)[(set: $verb to $verbseven)] (if: $temp is 8)[(set: $verb to $verbeight)] (if: $temp is 9)[(set: $verb to $verbnine)] (if: $temp is 10)[(set: $verb to $verbten)] (set: $result to $result + $verb + " up") (set: $temp to (random: 1,30)) (if: $temp < 11)[(set: $result to $result + " and it felt like ")] (if: $temp is 1)[(set: $reaction to $one)] (if: $temp is 2)[(set: $reaction to $two)] (if: $temp is 3)[(set: $reaction to $three)] (if: $temp is 4)[(set: $reaction to $four)] (if: $temp is 5)[(set: $reaction to $five)] (if: $temp is 6)[(set: $reaction to $six)] (if: $temp is 7)[(set: $reaction to $seven)] (if: $temp is 8)[(set: $reaction to $eight)] (if: $temp is 9)[(set: $reaction to $nine)] (if: $temp is 10)[(set: $reaction to $ten)] (if: $temp < 11)[(set: $result to $result + $reaction)] (if: $temp > 10 and $roller is "no")[(set: $result to $result + ".")] (if: $temp > 10 and $roller is "yes")[(set: $result to $result + "!")] (replace: ?result)[(print: $result)] (replace: ?macro_up)[(display: "upmacro")] ] }{(click: ?tag_down)[ (set: $result to "The car ") (set: $temp to (random: 1,10)) (if: $temp is 1)[(set: $verb to $verbone)] (if: $temp is 2)[(set: $verb to $verbtwo)] (if: $temp is 3)[(set: $verb to $verbthree)] (if: $temp is 4)[(set: $verb to $verbfour)] (if: $temp is 5)[(set: $verb to $verbfive)] (if: $temp is 6)[(set: $verb to $verbsix)] (if: $temp is 7)[(set: $verb to $verbseven)] (if: $temp is 8)[(set: $verb to $verbeight)] (if: $temp is 9)[(set: $verb to $verbnine)] (if: $temp is 10)[(set: $verb to $verbten)] (set: $result to $result + $verb + " down") (set: $temp to (random: 1,30)) (if: $temp < 11)[(set: $result to $result + " and it felt like ")] (if: $temp is 1)[(set: $reaction to $one)] (if: $temp is 2)[(set: $reaction to $two)] (if: $temp is 3)[(set: $reaction to $three)] (if: $temp is 4)[(set: $reaction to $four)] (if: $temp is 5)[(set: $reaction to $five)] (if: $temp is 6)[(set: $reaction to $six)] (if: $temp is 7)[(set: $reaction to $seven)] (if: $temp is 8)[(set: $reaction to $eight)] (if: $temp is 9)[(set: $reaction to $nine)] (if: $temp is 10)[(set: $reaction to $ten)] (if: $temp < 11)[(set: $result to $result + $reaction)] (if: $temp > 10 and $roller is "no")[(set: $result to $result + ".")] (if: $temp > 10 and $roller is "yes")[(set: $result to $result + "!")] (replace: ?result)[(print: $result)] (replace: ?macro_down)[(display: "downmacro")] ] }{(set: $eyes to (either: "your eyes dizzied and dry.","your eyes drunk and dazzled.")) (set: $smell to (either: "sparks","diesel","old trees")) (set: $hands to (either: "hot iron","new talons","bruised fruit")) } The roller coaster smelled like $smell as it coasted into the platform, your hands like $hands, $eyes (live: 5000ms)[[[A breath, a blink.->A breath.]]]{(if: $music is "yes" and $roller is "yes")[(set: $musicverb to "filigreeing")] (if: $music is "yes" and $roller is "no")[(set: $musicverb to "puncturing")] (if: $music is "yes")[(set: $secondline to "the music still " + $musicverb + " the air.")] (if: $music is "no")[(set: $secondline to "the world suddenly silent as a shell.")] (if: $roller is "yes")[(set: $rollerverb to "love")] (if: $roller is "no")[(set: $rollerverb to "do not love")] (set: $temp to (random: 1,3)) (if: $last is $temp)[(if: $temp is 1)[(set: $temp to (random: 2,3))](elseif: $temp is 2)[(set: $temp to (either: 1,3))](elseif: $temp is 3)[(set: $temp to (random: 1, 2))]] (set: $last to $temp) } "Do you love me?" you were asked, (live: 2500ms)[$secondline] (live: 5000ms)[(Another blink.)] (live: 6500ms)[(Another.)] (if: $temp is 1)[(live: 10000ms)["I $rollerverb] (live: 11500ms)[roller coasters,"] (live: 13000ms)[you said.]] (elseif: $temp is 2)[(live: 9000ms)[You smiled weakly.] (live: 10500ms)[You thought of the sign] (live: 12000ms)[you saw at the top:] (live: 14100ms)[The Point of No Return.]] (else:)[(live: 9000ms)[You looked up.] (live: 10500ms)[It was the last time] (live: 12000ms)[the clouds would look] (live: 14100ms)[like cotton candy.]] (live: 17000ms)[-----] (live: 18000ms)[You rode track #$temp.] (live: 19000ms)[[[Ride again->Start]]]